What is this?

My latest long-form posts and other musings.

I write about technology, investing, customer analytics, and various other topics.

About me

  • Current: Director of Growth, Data Scientist, and part of founding team at an AI startup

  • Was a professional investor at a $1B investment firm for nine years

  • Work/projects spanning various areas including AI, SaaS, autonomous vehicles, hyperloop, programmatic ad auctions, e-commerce, and customer analytics

  • Wharton MBA | CFA

Long-form posts have a perma-home at steveripplinger.com

Views expressed here and on my website are my own, and do not represent views of any organization or employer I am currently or was previously associated with. Not investment advice.

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My latest long-form posts and a periodic newsletter on investing, technology, data science, consumer behavior, and life.


Growth & Analytics @ two.ai. Former Investor. Wharton MBA. Writes about investing, technology, analytics, and life.